12 October 2005


Purging the computer I found this:

It is the job of the teacher to lend some of her energy and experience to the student so that they can achieve, whilst in her company, spiritual states they can't quite achieve on their own. This will bring to the student strange feelings - whether elation, anxiety, bliss or dread - it is of no importance. What is important is that the student honour this assistance by trying their utmost to remember, retrieve, practice and relive the experience. This is the painful process. How does it happen? Dr Chi could only say, "Somehow." John, as you may expect, says a little more - with Faith, Courage and Sincerity. But without this work the teaching will come to nothing and the teacher will quickly lose interest. When the student is with the teacher the work the student has done glows out of her and inspires more teaching to express itself. In a class situation, when many students are present, it is only those students who so glow that the teacher sees and her teaching is directed at them. The students who do not glow are lucky to be in the presence of the teaching - they are given another chance so to speak. In a one-to-one situation though it is crucial that the student has done the work otherwise there is no life or truth in the situation for the teacher. The student gives to the teacher by giving to the teaching.


sixabone said...

hi steven

this post made some important thoughts and emotions chrystalize in my head/heart. i've made a quantum-leap in my practise and in my motivation in general as a result, i thank you for this.

i've been reading your site regularly since, and it never fails to provide me with encouragement and inspiration for life and for my tai chi practice(well, they're the same, really).

i also wanted to ask for your consent to link your site to mine (www.sixabone.blogspot.com), i'd be honoured to be 'connected' to yours.

thanks you.

(a tai chi novice)

taiji heartwork said...

Feel free.

I like that spelling of crystalise - chrystalize - it suggests chrysalis, which as well as being a beautiful word, implies an impending rebirth.

sixabone said...

well, you have suggested that there is a lot to be said for foreigner's use of the english language... we're not bound by the rules so much so these random 'mistakes' can work in quite instinctual ways!

site's linked. thanks again.
