29 May 2007


Energy is important, but not all important. It is too easy to hide behind the veneer and excitement of energy – to rely on the ride. It is attractive because in the heat of the moment when immersed in its intensity, especially spirit, we become perfect – perfected by energy and the wisdom of the between. Problems, concerns, worries are all left behind, only to return in a rush when the energy subsides. Like taking a drug. But problems need to be faced. There is no other way. Relying on your strong and beautiful energy is another way of avoiding the issue. What we need is nakedness, starkness, simply being there, before energy manifests: the realisation that there is no escape and so we have no choice. The work we do should be melting all inner resistance to simply being humbly present. This requires a working environment where there are no concepts of success or failure, good or bad, me and you. Or at least a place where other concerns are far more important. The group and the school must cohere to such a degree that it is sincerely felt by all that we are all in the same boat, and that for all to move forwards each must be attended to and healed. And a faith that this will happen, in time, but only if obstacles are truly, honestly and courageously faced, and everything possible done to overcome them. There needs to be an honesty within the group that pushes each individual precisely and inevitably into their personal problem areas, and not, as so often happens, a complacency or cliqueiness or corruption which supports each others weaknesses, or worse still – makes virtue out of vice. The group supports each individual in their noble struggle, not just to do their work but to remain honest and open. And such work can only be done with support – it requires fresh energy and fresh eyes – fresh insight. The best and safest way to ensure that this is what happens and that this is what is there, is for the group to be in the world and of the world – without borders – reaching out with inquisitive and loving fingers, and embracing what it finds. Finally it is always reality that teaches: love, touch and healing, and the work we do should be always broadening our base – seeping into the earth and out in all directions – so that we come to include all there is rather than move in a direction that makes us special or different (separate). When you stand in front of another person it is of no importance how powerful or strong or wise or knowledgeable or understanding you are. All that matters is whether you love them – can you be fully present and totally with that person in your entirety? Ultimately it is your empty presence: your willingness and ability to bring in and accept the other that heals, not your energy. Any inner tension or blockage – any unresolved area – manifests as a condition: a place where part of you dwells and is locked so that you can be neither fully present nor empty to the other.

1 comment

Anonymous said...

i think it would be quite interesting to know you; and possibly a little unnerving at times. i enjoyed this post!