27 January 2008


Yielding isn't getting out of the way of energy that is trying to upset our balance. Thinking this way will get us nowhere (interesting – internal). Yielding is receiving the world – letting every cell soak it up – and thrusting through that receiving, constantly changing with the energy being received. The thrust is in the receiving. This is the thing about energy: as soon as you have one you have both. It is this that is difficult to understand: that spirit (and therefore life) requires both. As soon as you can say one thing with any certainty then the opposite – the other – asks and requires admittance, otherwise you have an unchanging state of affairs. This is what my teacher used to call the humour of the natural process. Every relationship – every thing – if it is truly alive – hangs on a precipice. Life must be precarious. Each time is the first time, and possibly the last. A restless process. This is why work with a partner is so much more valuable than work on your own. Work with another models reality better, especially if it is co-operative rather than competitive – energetic rather than forceful – creative rather than destructive. The trick is to realise that when on your own your singular presence creates another presence, because, energetically at least, there is no one. Rise to the occasion, then it becomes alive with possibility.


Anonymous said...

How could we know whether to yield or to ward-off when an energy is trying to upset our balance?

Anonymous said...

And one might say that solitary spirit-work often attracts energies to itself; even if you're not aware of them. But even on an obvious level, being v energetically involved in something will often seem to draw other human beings into the charged field of interest.